The Chaos Space Marines, once noble defenders of the Imperium, have become corrupted agents of the Warp. These traitors have turned their backs on the God Emperor, seeking power from the Dark Gods of Chaos in exchange for their loyalty. Now, they wage eternal war against the Imperium and all who stand in their path.
Driven by vengeance and the whispers of Chaos, the Chaos Space Marines are relentless, merciless, and possess dark powers that make them a fearsome force on the battlefield.
Join us as we delve into the twisted motivations, sinister strengths, and formidable might of these fallen warriors.
Who Are the Chaos Space Marines?
The Chaos Space Marines were once loyal Astartes, also known as Space Marines, the Emperor’s finest soldiers, before being seduced by the powers of Chaos. Following the betrayal during the Horus Heresy, these once-proud warriors turned against the Imperium and embraced the dark influence of the Warp.
Corrupted by the malevolent forces of Chaos, these Marines now serve the Chaos Gods—Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, and Slaanesh—each driven by their own twisted desires. Led by powerful warlords like Abaddon the Despoiler and other Chaos Champions, they command legions of heretics, mutants, and daemons in an endless campaign of terror and destruction.
The Chaos Space Marines are divided into powerful Warbands, such as the Black Legion and the Death Guard, each with its own history and methods of warfare. Their ranks also include possessed Marines, whose bodies have been warped by daemonic influence, and elite units like the Terminators and Raptors, who excel in bringing death to their enemies.
United by their hatred for the Imperium and their desire for power, the Chaos Space Marines represent one of the greatest threats to humanity.
What Are the Chaos Space Marines Army Strengths?
The Chaos Space Marines thrive on versatility and raw brutality, with units capable of dealing substantial damage both in melee and at range. They also benefit from unique faction abilities and access to the terrifying forces of the Warp, allowing them to summon daemons and unleash devastating psychic attacks.
Key strengths include:
- Versatile Units: Chaos Space Marines excel in both ranged and close combat, offering units like Havocs for heavy firepower and Berserkers for brutal melee assaults.
- Psychic Powers: Chaos Sorcerers have access to powerful psychic abilities, allowing them to control the battlefield and weaken enemies with curses and Warp-based attacks.
- Daemonic Allies: The ability to summon Daemons provides Chaos Space Marines with additional reinforcements that can overwhelm enemy forces.
However, they do have some limitations:
- Lack of Durability: Compared to loyalist Space Marines, Chaos units can sometimes lack resilience, making them vulnerable to sustained attacks.
- High Point Cost: Key units like Terminators and Daemon Engines are powerful but expensive, meaning you’ll need to manage your resources carefully.
Where Do Beginners Start?
Here are some essential models for new players, along with reasons why each is useful:
- Chaos Space Marines Squad: The backbone of your army, these versatile warriors are effective in both ranged and melee combat, making them adaptable to various battle situations.
- Havocs: Armed with heavy weapons, Havocs provide excellent ranged firepower, helping you deal with armored vehicles or large infantry units from a distance.
- Chaos Lord: A powerful leader for your forces, the Chaos Lord boosts the combat effectiveness of nearby units while being a capable fighter himself.
- Daemon Prince: A terrifying melee unit with psychic abilities, the Daemon Prince is a great way to learn how to combine psychic powers with close combat strategies.
- Chaos Land Raider: The Chaos Land Raider is a durable transport vehicle, ideal for delivering units into battle. It boasts versatile firepower, high armor, and the ability to support objectives effectively.
Starting with these models will provide a solid foundation for building a Chaos Space Marines army, allowing you to explore different strategies and unleash the power of Chaos on your enemies.
How To Paint Chaos Space Marines
Painting Chaos Space Marines offers an opportunity to bring out the twisted, corrupted nature of these traitor warriors. Here’s a guide using specific Citadel color schemes, along with tips and techniques to make your models stand out:
Color Scheme
Crimson Legion
- Base Color: Khorne Red for the armor.
- Shading: Nuln Oil to deepen shadows.
- Highlights: Evil Sunz Scarlet for bright edges.
- Accent Colors: Brass (like Brass Scorpion) for trim and details, and black for weapons and chains.
Emerald Cult
- Base Color: Caliban Green for the armor.
- Shading: Warpstone Glow for recesses.
- Highlights: Moot Green for bright edges.
- Accent Colors: Silver (like Leadbelcher) for metallic details, and purple (like Naggaroth Night) for cloaks or decorative elements.
Bone and Black
- Base Color: Zandri Dust for the armor.
- Shading: Agrax Earthshade for depth.
- Highlights: Ushabti Bone for raised areas.
- Accent Colors: Black for details and weapons, with red (like Khorne Red) for eyes and symbols.
Chaos Space Marines Painting Techniques
- Base Coating: Start with an even coat using spray primers like Chaos Black or Leadbelcher to match your chosen color scheme.
- Washing: Use washes like Agrax Earthshade or Nuln Oil to darken armor recesses and add depth. This technique helps create a gritty, worn effect for your models.
- Drybrushing: Use drybrushing to highlight textures on armor and cloaks. A light application of grey or silver paints like Dawnstone or Stormhost Silver can enhance the look of worn metal and cracked armor.
- Edge Highlighting: For a sharp, dramatic effect, use a fine detail brush and lighter shades to carefully highlight the edges of armor plates and weapons, making your models stand out on the battlefield.
- Corruption Effects: Use technical paints like Nurgle’s Rot or Typhus Corrosion to add texture and daemonic corruption. These effects work well for adding a decayed, otherworldly feel to your Chaos Space Marines.